
Leonardo DiCaprio: The Hu(gh)Man

It all started with (Howard) Hughes and it has to come a full circle to Hugh (Glass) for him. The story of Oscars and Leonardo DiCaprio is a fascinating one, is an understatement. It’s as exciting as a mythological adventure where a hero comes off age and proves his mettle to lead his people to one final victory. It has all the classic epic adventure story features. 1. A hero who don’t know his potential 2. A visionary master who discovers the hero and unearths the gem 3. A mentor who guides the untapped potential to fulfilment 4. Failures in fulfilling the wishes 5. Break from the task 6. Retrospection 7. One final attempt 8. Victory In the world of Star Wars, it was Luke Skywalker. Obi wan Kenobi discovers him. A hero’s journey. Shepherd by Yoda. Failure in taming Darth Vader. Recuperation. One final attempt. Wins the battle for his people. Same is the case with Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings. And millions of others adventures. A hero’s journey! Leon
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